Gucci celebrated the launch of their new Creative Director, Sabato De Sarno’s debut collection #GucciAncora. The event was honoured by the brands Indian ambassador, Alia Bhatt, alongside distinguished guests from the fashion and film industries. Taking over the Atrium of Jio World Plaza with the stand out Ancora colour, along with an in-store experience, Magnanimous’ Brand Experiences and Content teams worked in harmony with brand representatives to ensure a cohesive digital and offline output for the evening.
Shot & Edited by Yash Juneja.
To celebrate 100 years of Gucci, the fashion powerhouse unveiled an exclusive limited edition collection inspired by music. They collaborated with four prominent Indian artists, where we captured the essence of this iconic brand through this captivating campaign. This unique collection made its debut at a pop-up event hosted at DLF Emporio Mall in New Delhi, where esteemed clients from across the nation were invited to indulge in a three-day immersive experience.
Shot & Edited by Akshay Gill.